Once you reach level 61, you'll be OSRS gold for sale able to start using Rune Crossbow which is able to shoot Bolts that are up to Runite level. It's got better overall stats than Magic Shortbow but does not have a special attack. If you have the level 55 Slayer, you can make use of Broad Bolts which are a lower cost alternative to Runite ammunition.
They provide a slight bonus to your attacks but they cost approximately three times as much. If you're not able to purchase Rune Bolts or don't satisfy Slayer specifications for Broad Bolts opt for Magic Shortbow equipped with Rune Arrows. This weapon should be used as the primary weapon until 75 as better weapons are very expensive to acquire and to use in general.
At level 64 you can make use of a superior alternative to Rune Crossbow. This is a very costly weapon because its price is between 4 and 6 mil. Dragon Crossbow is the first one that shoots Dragon Bolts which are better than the Rune alternative , but cost much more. If you have the money to spend this is the next weapon to get and if not just go straight to this section.
Similar similar to Dragon Crossbow, this is a very small boost to your Ranged ability that can cost you more. If you're able to afford it then go for it and buy one, however if you do not you might want to skip this section. The reason for this is that the increase in your skill is minimal and the cost is enormous.
This is the perfect late weapon of old school runescape buy gold choice since it's considerably less expensive than alternative weapons, but is still able to do a fantastic job. The blowpipe is about a couple of times less expensive than the Armadyl Crossbows, however, it needs Zulrah Scales to charge which will cost you extra. It can shoot up to Dragon Darts and has an incredible special attack that increases damages dealt to the user. This is your primary weapon until you're rich