A server transfer feature has been added to New World, which was highly requested by players in the game's community forum. It is entirely up to the players to decide whether or not they wish to move their characters between servers by utilizing this functionality.
It has been a whirlwind few weeks for the popularity of , one of the genre's most recent releases, with players expressing an overwhelming desire to play it. For a variety of reasons, including its battle mechanics and setting, the game, which was developed by Amazon Games Studio, has gained widespread popularity. Collaborative efforts will be required to colonize a fictional world known as Aeternum, which will be set in an alternate 17th-century setting. Although many players have enjoyed the gameplay in Cheap new world gold, there have been some issues with the game in the recent past. For example, players were unable to move their characters between servers, which was a frustrating situation. Fortunately, the feature's creator has taken note of those who would like to make use of it.
Earlier this month, a new update for buy new world gold was made available, which included the addition of server transfers, which had previously been inaccessible due to technical difficulties. In order to take advantage of the addition of server transfers, players will need to restart their game after switching from one world to another. Therefore, players who were previously restricted to a single server can now easily switch to another and play with their friends, which is a game-changing move on the developer's behalf. Note that while this update allows players to join the worlds of their friends, it will prevent them from joining worlds in other regions as a result of the change. It is possible that this will become available in the future, despite the fact that it is not currently available from the developer.
During the presentation, it was revealed that the developers had made it a top priority ever since the game's release and that they had been hard at work on it since then. According to the patch notes, which were made available following the release of the feature, the feature had been extensively tested by Amazon Games' developers over a period of two weeks prior to being made available for public consumption. Though initially only available in Asia-Pacific Southeast region, this update has since been made available in all other regions as well, allowing players to freely move between different worlds. One recent example of this was provided by the developer, who posted a video on his website showing a player jumping from one server to another in a matter of seconds.
A list of the steps that must be followed in order to successfully complete server transfers is included in the patch notes for the update, according to the software developer. Prior to taking part, the player must first log into the character of their choice and complete the required steps. In order for them to use their character transfer token, which was provided, they must first go to the in-game store and redeem it. According to the developer, as a result of this, the player will be required to leave their current Company and remove all Trading Post sell and buy orders from the system. After completing the first few steps of the transfer process successfully, the player will need to travel to a sanctuary location in order to complete the transfer process successfully.
Players can exhale a sigh of relief knowing that nearly everything they earned prior to the transfer has been saved in their accounts after the transfer has been completed. It is possible to carry over items such as houses and decorations, inventory and storage space, currency, character progression, and any quest progress that has been completed from one game to the next, and this is true for both online and offline games. The only things that do not transfer are company memberships and Trading Post orders (which must be cancelled prior to transferring), as well as friends lists, which are world-specific and do not transfer, and friends lists, which are world-specific and do not transfer.