You simply take your item to the auction house, and set a cost to let it market at. You pay half of the low alch worth of the item t place your item on the RS gold market. You recieve an Auction ticket (think bank notice ) of your product stating that you offered it, then you wait. If your product is sold within 24 hours, you'll find a little notification stating your product was sold, and you may return to the auction house with your auction ticket to pick up your cash. If your product isn't sold within 24 hours, you go back to the auction house with your auction ticket and choose your items back, or wash and repeat.
You would go the auction house, and search to find the item you need. If they have countless sales of that item, you may browse through and find the right quantity and price for you! You then press buy, and a conformation display would confirm your purchase, and you get the product, and the auction house carries the money. Each world would have two auction houses, 1 on f2p side and 1 on p2p side.
An anti-Spam filter, any things that low alch lower than 100 coins aren't permitted in the house. No more trade spam! yay! More thoughts to come (add to the list)
Jagex knows about them. Everyone needs them. It has been at the back of everyone's mind - so when will they release it? Player Owned Shops has been talked about in the past sometime on any forum that's related to runescape. It has been in the back of our heads and Jagex's minds. Therefore, why haven't they published player owned stores yet? Idk but here it goes...
Player Owned Shops: Skill: Have your shop. You can have individuals that help customers who are employed in the shop the clerks. Then you've got the acountant that will take care of all the buisness's funds. If it's a little store it is owner. If it is a president it is a larger shop, but not huge. When it is a company wiith many stores and alot of workers he's known as the CEO.
Player Owned Shops isn't a skill. The Owner of the shop, shop or buisness, can make unique stores. If it is a bigger firm, they are able to have a max of 5 stores. It may have just one type of item (I.E. Logs, Ores and pubs, runes etc.). This is so POS won't compete with NPC owned shops. You can start off with a single store. Players can get to the shop by using a POS portal site (In same town's as POH's).
Then they can select purchase 1, 5, 10, or All. As soon as they select that a note will soon come up in the chat display saying"Purchase petition sent to owner" This is just in case the owner does not want to sell all his stock and want's to save a portion of his inventory, because they're low on the item. The proprietor will be able to set the cheap RuneScape gold costs (No less or more than GE costs ). Prices could be adjusted according to fluxuating GE prices. Now onto the workers.